Medication Refill Policy

Effective September 19, 2021

For prescription refills, please have your pharmacy send us an electronic request. We cannot accept prescription requests by fax, phone, or messages. Please provide at least 72 hours notice for prescription refill requests. It may take us up to 7 days to provide refills in some instances. We are unable to accommodate urgent requests. Please proceed to urgent care for medications that have run out.

Prior authorization, CMNs, DME requests, or any other forms may take up to 2 weeks.

You will only be given one 30-day courtesy refill if

  • you have not been seen for your last scheduled visit, or
  • have not been seen for more than 6 months, or
  • have more than 2 cancelled or rescheduled appointments in a row.

We also reserve the right to discontinue providing care to patients who cancel or reschedule 3 or more appointments for any reason.